.fm File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .fm extension:

icon FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet File (Spreadsheet Files)

FileMaker Pro is a software used for database management and can be used in networks and the web. Spreadsheet documents created by FileMaker Pro when making... [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .fm file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .xls - Excel Spreadsheet File (Spreadsheet Files)

Microsoft Excel uses the format XLS for its spreadsheets up until Excel 2007 which then used a XML based format that is still in use today in the latest... [More Information]

icon .xlsm - Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled Workbook file (Spreadsheet Files)

Microsoft Excel is a spread sheet program developed by Microsoft that makes use of files with the extension .xlsm these files are spread sheet files that... [More Information]

icon .numbers - iWork Numbers Spreadsheet File (Spreadsheet Files)

iWork is a program from Apple that is used to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations, spreadsheets created by iWork use the .numbers file extension. [More Information]

icon .xlr - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet File (Spreadsheet Files)

Microsoft Works is a Home Office program developed by Microsoft similar to the Microsoft Office Suite in that it contains a word processing program,... [More Information]

icon .crtx - Microsoft Chart Template File (Spreadsheet Files)

Chart templates used by Microsoft Office 2007 and higher make use of the .crtx file extension. These files are usually used by Excel to show information... [More Information]