Adobe InDesign

Program Description

Adobe InDesign is a Desktop Publishing program from Adobe Systems used for creating and laying out professional publications.


Supported File Types

icon .epub - Open Electronic Book File (Text Files)

EPUB is the file format used to describe files for Electronic Books saved in this format, these files are xml based and can be used on both Hardware and... [More Information]

icon .inx - InDesign Export File (Desktop Publishing)

INX is the file format used to describe a file used to export InDesign files to ensure compatibility with previous version of the program. [More Information]

icon .ind - Adobe InDesign Document File (Layout Files)

Adobe inDesign is a professional Layout program for both print and digital publishing with many built in tools to achieve this. The software can be used to... [More Information]

icon .indd - Adobe InDesign File Format (Desktop Publishing)

INDD is the file format used to describe files used in Desktop Publishing by Adobe InDesign to save professional page layouts. [More Information]

icon .opf - Open Packaging Format File (Misc Files)

Files that use the .opf file extension are packaging files used to hold together various parts of electronic publications so that they conform to the OPS... [More Information]

icon .csf - Adobe Colour Settings File (Graphic Files)

Files that are used by various Adobe programs for colour settings have the .csf file extension [More Information]

icon .idlk - InDesign Lock File (Settings Files)

Adobe InDesign is a program used for designing printing layouts and digital publishing, it uses lock files to prevent changes being made to open projects... [More Information]

icon .pdd - Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image File (Graphic Files)

Adobe PhotoDeluxe was a software developed by Adobe Systems which was used for image editing, in 2002 it was superseded by Adobe Photoshop Elements. With... [More Information]

icon .lex - Adobe Proximity Dictionary File (Misc Files)

Adobe Systems Software such as InDesign or Adobe Acrobat use proximity dictionaries for spell checking, these dictionaries use the .lex file extension,... [More Information]