.bun File Extension

2 recommended file type found in our database for .bun extension:

icon Bundled Audio Files (Audio Files)

Cakewalk Music Creator is a program that is used for recording music on a personal computer, it is possible to connect instruments by using the sound card... [More Information]

icon Monkey Island 3 Game Archive File (Game Files)

The curse of monkey island is the third instalment in the Monkey Island series which are centred around the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood a pirate.... [More Information]

Click on one of the recommended file types above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .bun file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .mp3 - MPEG1/2 Audio Layer 3 (Audio Files)

MP3 is the file format used to describe audio files that have been ecoded using a lossy compression format and is the common format used for consumer audio... [More Information]

icon .flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec File (Audio Files)

FLAC which means Free Lossless Audio Codec is a format that is similar to MP3 but that has been compresses using lossless compression which allows the file... [More Information]

icon .amr - Adaptive Multi Rate Compressed File (Audio Files)

AMR is the file format used to describe a file compressed with the Adaptive Multi Rate Codec which is usually used for mobile telephone systems to compress... [More Information]

icon .ctg - Canon Catalog File (Audio Files)

CTG is the file format used to describe index files that are found on memory cards used in Canon digital cameras, these files are a catalogue of the folders... [More Information]

icon .ogg - Ogg Vorbis Compressed File (Audio Files)

OGG is the file format used to describe Audio files that have been encoded and compressed using Ogg Vorbis compression, the format is not patented and free... [More Information]