Microsoft Visual Studio


Microsoft Visual Studio is a program known as a IDE(Integrated Development Environment) and is used to create Web Sites, Web Applications etc.



icon .dll - Dynamic Link Library (系統檔案)

For Windows operating systems the functionality for the operating system is provided by the use of DLL's also known as Dynamic link libraries. Through the... [更多資訊]

icon .aspx - Active Server Page File (網頁檔案)

ASPX is the file format used to describe files that are made using, usually these files are created using Microsoft´s Visual Studio or Visual Web... [更多資訊]

icon .config - Configuration File (Developer Files)

CONFIG is the file format used to describe information files used to configure programs, these files are usually text files. [更多資訊]

icon .xsd - XML Schema File (Developer Files)

XML uses definition files which share and define languages and for functions for xml files. The definition files use the extension .xsd and make sure that... [更多資訊]

icon .htm - Hypertext Markup File (網頁檔案)

Hypertext Markup Language is a language that uses text with special formatting known as markup to tell a web browser what it should show on the computer... [更多資訊]

icon .b - Basic language source file (Developer Files)

B is the file format used to describe programming files written in Basic. [更多資訊]

icon .ashx - ASP.NET Web Handler File (網頁檔案)

ASHX is the file format used to describe web files that are used by the ASP.NET HTTP Handler when a web page is accessed, it then then creates the code... [更多資訊]

icon .xml - Extensible Markup Language (資料檔)

XML is the file format used to describe data files that use a text data format which was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. [更多資訊]

icon .c - C/C++ Source Code File (Developer Files)

C is the file format used to describe files that are C/C++ Source code, these files can be the whole application or one of a number of files needed by a... [更多資訊]

icon .cpp - C++ Language Source Code File (Developer Files)

C++ source files use the extension .cpp, these are files that contain C++ code which needs to be compiled before it can be used or run. These files can be a... [更多資訊]

icon .cs - Visual C# Source File (Developer Files)

CS files are source code files that have been made with Visual C#.Net. This program is used to create web applications using C# a program language that run... [更多資訊]

icon .h - C/C++ Header File (Developer Files)

H is the file format used to describe header files that are used in C++ or Java Source Code documents. [更多資訊]

icon .exp - Export File (資料檔)

Files that have the .exp file extension are usually files used to export to other programs. Using the export file it is possible to import a file in another... [更多資訊]

icon .bas - BASIC Source Code File (Developer Files)

BASIC is a programming language which has been used as the starting point for various other languages such as Visual Basic. Source Code files written in... [更多資訊]

icon .opt - Option Files (設定檔)

Many programs allow you to set preferences and save them so that when you start the program it is configured exactly how you want it. When preferences are... [更多資訊]

icon .def - Module Definition File (Developer Files)

Dynamic Link Libraries use files that are known as definition files that store definition data needed for modules created in C++. These are text files that... [更多資訊]

icon .s - Source Code File (Developer Files)

The file extension .s or S is used for source code files. [更多資訊]

icon .asm - Assembly Source Code File (Developer Files)

The low level programming language used for programming computers and other devices is know as assembly language. This uses machine code and other resources... [更多資訊]

icon .sln - Visual Studio Solution File (Misc Files)

Visual Studio Solution are files used to organize projects, items used in projects and solutions by referencing there position on disc for the Microsoft... [更多資訊]

icon .usr - User Database File (設定檔)

User Database files are created by various programs and contain information regarding the account that the user has in the program such as Username,... [更多資訊]

icon .lrf - Microsoft C/C++ Linker Response File (Developer Files)

Files that have the .lrf file extension are Microsoft C/C++ Linker response files these are used by Microsoft C++ during programming. [更多資訊]

icon .inc - Include Files (Developer Files)

Files that use the .inc file extension are include files used in programming languages such as Pascal, C/C++, PHP and Java. These files are used to... [更多資訊]

icon .suo - Solution User Options File (Developer Files)

Microsoft Visual Studio is a program known as an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) and is used to create Web Sites, Web Applications etc. Settings... [更多資訊]

icon .vsp - Visual Studio File (Developer Files)

Files that have the .vsp file extension are used by Microsofts Visual Studio which is an IDE used for the creation of applications for the web. [更多資訊]

icon .settings - Microsoft Visual Studio Settings File (Developer Files)

Microsoft Visual Studio uses files with the .settings file extension to store settings so that they can be accessed when needed and through this makes it... [更多資訊]

icon .src - Source Code File (Developer Files)

Source code is a computer programming language that is usually written in text format which is then compiled so that the computer can understand it and... [更多資訊]

icon .vbp - Visual Basic Project File (Developer Files)

Projects created in Microsoft's programming tool Visual Basic are saved with the file extension .vpb, these files are known as Visual Basic Project files. [更多資訊]

icon .cod - Compiler Program Code (Developer Files)

Source code that has been compiled and written using the Fortran programming language, it is also used for the source code used by dBase templates and for... [更多資訊]

icon .fs - F# Source Code File (Developer Files)

F# is a programming language developed by Microsoft for the .NET platform, source code files used by F# have the .fs file extension. [更多資訊]

icon .targets - MSBuild Targets File (Developer Files)

The MS Build Engine is used so that developers can build software in lab environments where visual studio isn't installed. Files that are used by MS Build... [更多資訊]

icon .vbw - Visual Basic Workspace File (Developer Files)

Visual Basic is a object orientated language used for programming which is developed by Microsoft, Workspace files that use the .vbw file extension are used... [更多資訊]

icon .ctl - Microsoft Visual Basic Control File (Developer Files)

Visual Basic is a computer programming language developed by Microsoft, controls defined by the user are known as user control files which use the .ctl file... [更多資訊]

icon .user - Visual Studio User Options File (設定檔)

Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft which is used for developing applications for platforms as diverse as... [更多資訊]

icon .rc - Visual C++ Resource Script File (Developer Files)

Resource script file which have the .rc file extension are used to define what is required when the source code is compiled When using C++. [更多資訊]

icon .plg - Micrsoft Developer Studio Log File (Developer Files)

Microsoft Developer Studio which is now known as Microsoft Visual Studio is a IDE used for programming, log files used by Developer Studio used the .plg... [更多資訊]