.bk File Extension

2 recommended file type found in our database for .bk extension:

icon FrameMaker Book File (文件檔案)

Files with the BK file extension are Adobe FrameMaker Book files these files contain the file names of the documents that make the book, for example... [更多資訊]

icon Backup File (Misc Files)

The BK file extension is often used for Backup files. [更多資訊]

Click on one of the recommended file types above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .bk file extension and other detailed information.


icon .doc - Word Document (文件檔案)

Microsoft Word versions from the Word 97 version up to the Word 2003 version used a binary format which was known as a .doc file. These files usually... [更多資訊]

icon .wps - Microsoft Works Document File (文件檔案)

Microsoft Works is similar to Microsoft's Office Suite in that it has a Word Processor program, a spread sheet program and a database program, it was... [更多資訊]

icon .ltx - LaTeX Document (文件檔案)

.ltx files are used by the TeX typesetting system, most commonly with the LaTeX macro package. There files usually contain pre-coded commands to be included... [更多資訊]

icon .abw - Abiword Document File (文件檔案)

Abiword is a word processing program that is open source and free to use, it is a cross platform that works on Unix, Windows, QNX and Mac OS. Document files... [更多資訊]

icon .csd - Compact Shared Document File (文件檔案)

CSD files are electronic documents that store images and text in a standardised format that compresses the file up to 10 times its original size. [更多資訊]