.mxdl File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .mxdl extension:

icon Maxthon Partially Downloaded File (網頁檔案)

MXDL files are partially downloaded files used by the Browser Maxthon which is available for Windows, Macintosh and mobile operating systems such as IOS and... [更多資訊]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .mxdl file extension and other detailed information.


icon .swf - SWF (網頁檔案)

SWF is a file format used for multimedia, vector graphics and ActionScript that are used in Adobe Flash. SWF was originally developed for displaying vector... [更多資訊]

icon .php - PHP (網頁檔案)

PHP is an open source scripting language that is usually used for web development, the name PHP comes from the use of a acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor.... [更多資訊]

icon .aspx - Active Server Page File (網頁檔案)

ASPX is the file format used to describe files that are made using ASP.net, usually these files are created using Microsoft´s Visual Studio or Visual Web... [更多資訊]

icon .jnlp - Java Web Start File (網頁檔案)

To run web applications in a web browser the use of the framework Java Web Start is needed, this framework was developed by Sun Microsystems which has since... [更多資訊]

icon .dcr - Shockwave File (網頁檔案)

DCR is the file format used to describe media files used in Shockwave movies, these movies are normally games or have interactive content, these files are... [更多資訊]