.nd5 File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .nd5 extension:

icon NDS Renamed File (遊戲檔案)

The Nintendo DS is a portable games console developed and released by Nintendo in 2004. Usually Nintendo DS Roms that are used on a computer with an... [更多資訊]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .nd5 file extension and other detailed information.


icon .sav - Saved Game File (遊戲檔案)

SAV is the file format used to describe a file used in games that is used to store a backup of the game when it is saved so that the user can resume where... [更多資訊]

icon .pak - Packed File (遊戲檔案)

PAK files are usually used by various games to contain or store information needed during the installation and when the game is played. These files are... [更多資訊]

icon .package - Electronic Arts Package File (遊戲檔案)

Package is the file format used to describe a file used in Games from Electronic Arts such as The Sims series of games, these files usually contain... [更多資訊]

icon .nes - Nintendo ROM Image File (遊戲檔案)

NES is the file format used to describe files that are a copy of the ROM image stored usually in a cartridge for Video Games, these programs can be run on a... [更多資訊]

icon .nds - Nintendo DS ROM Image File (遊戲檔案)

NDS is the file format used to describe files used with the Nintendo DS Video Game Console, these files are usually stored as ROM images. [更多資訊]