.y3t File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .y3t extension:

icon YuGiOh Tag File (圖檔)

Yu Gi Oh is a card game, an Amine cartoon series and a video game. There is an online version of the game where users can duel against each other over the... [更多資訊]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .y3t file extension and other detailed information.


icon .jpg - JPEG (圖檔)

JPG is the file format used to describe a method of lossy compression widely used for photographic images in Internet, it is possible to alter the... [更多資訊]

icon .cdr - CorelDRAW Image File (圖檔)

CDR is the file format used to describe a graphical image usually a drawing or a vector graphic created by the program CorelDRAW. [更多資訊]

icon .thm - Thumbnail Image File (圖檔)

THM is the file format used to describe graphic files similar in size to an icon which is used to represent larger files, they can be used in Internet on... [更多資訊]

icon .psd - Photoshop Document (圖檔)

PSD is the file format used to describe graphic files created in Adobe Photoshop program, this supports many options for images such as layers, transparency... [更多資訊]

icon .ai - Adobe Illustrator Artwork (圖檔)

AI is the file format used to describe proprietary files used by Adobe Illustrator to represent single page vector graphics. [更多資訊]