.bas File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .bas extension:

icon BASIC Source Code File (Developer Files)

BASIC is a programming language which has been used as the starting point for various other languages such as Visual Basic. Source Code files written in... [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .bas file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .json - JavaScript Object Notation File (Developer Files)

JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a text based open standard used for web applications, it is based on JavaScript but is its self a stand alone language... [More Information]

icon .class - Java Class File (Developer Files)

Class is the file format used to describe files that have been created by a Java compiler using bytecode which are then Java class applications. [More Information]

icon .1 - Inno Setup Binary File (Developer Files)

Inno Setup developed by Jordan Russell is a free installer for use with Windows programs and has a large feature set. Binary files that contain the setup... [More Information]

icon .config - Configuration File (Developer Files)

CONFIG is the file format used to describe information files used to configure programs, these files are usually text files. [More Information]

icon .2 - Setup Factory 6.0 setup launcher (Developer Files)

Setup Factory is a commercial software installer for use of Windows operating systems and is developed by IndigoRose Software Design Corp. Key features of... [More Information]