.mim File Extension

1 recommended file type found in our database for .mim extension:

icon MIM File (Misc Files)

By using MIME or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions as it is also known it is possible to make use of text in characters other than ASCII, attach non... [More Information]

Click on the recommended file type above to see more details about it, including what programs you can use to open .mim file extension and other detailed information.

Related File Extensions

icon .torrent - Torrent (Misc Files)

TORRENT is the file format used to describe files that store Meta data for Bit Torrents, these are usually the URL to multiple trackers and data regarding... [More Information]

icon .crdownload - Google Chrome Temporary File (Misc Files)

Google Chrome uses the extension .crdownload when it downloads programs and the download has not been completed, this is similar to the PART files used by... [More Information]

icon .part - Part (Misc Files)

PART or Partially Downloaded File are usually created when programs that manage downloads have not completely download the file. For all intents and... [More Information]

icon .eml - Email Message File (Misc Files)

EML is the file format used to describe a saved email message created with Outlook Express or Outlook, it can contain links and attachments. [More Information]

icon .md5 - MD5 Checksum File (Misc Files)

A checksum is a data usually fixed in size that is used to check if files have been changed and through this check the Integrity of the data. This is... [More Information]