Word Document

File Extension:.doc
Updated:2012-04-26 23:13:05


Microsoft Word versions from the Word 97 version up to the Word 2003 version used a binary format which was known as a .doc file.

These files usually consist of

  » Main stream

  » Summary information stream

  » Table stream

  » Data stream

  » 0 or more object streams that contain data for OLE 2.0 objects which are embedded in the document.

This format was originally used by the program Word Perfect during the 1980īs and was then later used by Microsoft as the proprietary format for Microsoft Word.

It is possible to open these files using.

  » Open Office

  » AbiWord

With the advent of Word 2007 the doc format was superceded by the xml based docx format.

Compatible Programs

  » Open Office

  » Others...

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