Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Program Description

Design and develop for the web with confidence, working visually or in the code with AdobeŽ DreamweaverŽ CS5 software.


Supported File Types

icon .dcm - DICOM Image File (Graphic Files)

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association also known as NEMA is an Image format... [More Information]

icon .cfm - Cold Fusion Template File (Web Files)

ColdFusion Markup is a programming language that is used to create web applications, these files use the CFM file extension. Languages that run on a web... [More Information]

icon .htc - HTML Component File (Web Files)

Files that use the file extension .htc are HTML Component Files which are HTML pages that are wrapped in descriptors that define properties etc that are... [More Information]

icon .hta - HTML Application (Executable Files)

HTML applications use files with the .hta file extension, these files are executable files. [More Information]